Fund of Funds Investor Day 2024: Navigating the Future of Technology and Investment Key takeaways from Molten's Investor Day 2024 including summaries of our team's presentations and the full videos are also available to watch within the article.
Venture Capital Audrey Tsang and Carrie Walter: Pioneers of Women's HealthTech The realm of women's health has never been under a brighter spotlight than in 2023. Enter Clue, a HealthTech company that has been transforming the way people approach reproductive and menstrual health. As early investors in the company, we at Molten had the opportunity to speak with the dynamic duo at its helm: Co-CEOs Audrey Tsang and Carrie Walter.
Venture Capital Investor Day 2023 | A Summary At Molten’s 2023 Investor Day, we brought together some of the best and brightest of our portfolio to showcase their growth journeys. As the keynote speaker, our CEO Martin Davis gave a candid precis of the numbers, the state of play in the market and a reminder of how Molten invests.
Consumer How to grow when people are scared of your product? When you’re launching any new technology that can visibly impact people’s neighbourhoods and, even to some extent, how they see the sky out their window, these communities must be handled with care.
Fintech Why values need to do what they say on the tin Culture plays such a fundamental part in the sustainability of an organisation. However, the values that underpin that culture may not be codified, so it’s important to make sure they are understood by all its employees.